This app is really great. Just the right amount of flexibility, not too complex, intuitive, and good inking.
I think a few UI tweaks would make a big difference.
1. The floating toolbar seems always in the way. Why not use the empty space in the middle of title bar for the tools? Or at the bottom? As it is, I have to move the canvas to access portions under the toolbar, and this is a pain. (I do prefer the persistent toolbar, rather than a "touch and hold" gesture to access the toolbar as used elsewhere; thanks!).
2. Allow landscape as well as portrait modes for the canvas: when I turn the iPad, I would like the paper to turn as well.
3. Allow the canvas to snap to full size: that is, to fill the display. The scrolling and zooming is great, but usually, I want to see and use the whole page without diddling to get the maximum canvas size.
Thanks so much for a great app!
Michael C. M. about Pen and Paper